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Dev-Centric Culture at Wix

Aviran Mordo

Many people believe that DevOps is a fresh name for the operations team in your organization, or the toolbox you use in order to manage your systems. We believe that DevOps is more than that - it's all about the culture. In this talk, I'll present the problems of the traditional, most common development pipeline and how we solved them at Wix from my perspective as a developer. I will also give you some proven techniques and tools from our experience, in order to improve the agility and quality of your organization.


Head of Engineering at Wix. Aviran has over 20 years of experience in the software industry and has filled many engineering roles and leading positions, from designing and building the US national Electronic Records Archives prototype to building search engine infrastructures. Aviran is a tech-savvy and a technology blogger, with vast knowledge of internet technologies, software engineering, team building, continuous delivery and a dev-centric culture advocate.

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