A major part of our engineering culture is about being active in the global developer community and sharing our best technical expertise. Be it via our open source projects, blog, Medium publication or our YouTube channel.
We're also doing that by sending out a monthly newsletter, where we cover our engineering insights and feature in-depth articles and news from around the global tech industry. Newsletters are a great way to keep your engineering knowledge sharp, while getting these goodies directly to your inbox. Feel free to subscribe to our newsletter here.
Here's what we sent out in our latest, 21st edition, of the Wix Engineering Newsletter:
[article] Continually Growing Your Engineering Skills While Scaling the Organization: Wix Engineering Culture
Wix is an engineering-focused company: our founders are engineers and about 50% of Wix’s staff is R&D.
So to keep our engineering in best shape we spend 20% of work time enhancing our software engineering skills and building a strong, innovative and collaborative engineering community both within and outside of the organization.
How we do it, what we spend all that time on and the results we get (all during a global pandemic) - all told from the inside by the Server Guild Manager, Aviva Starovolsky-Peisach.
[video] How to Instantaneously Install NPM Packages While Supporting Multi-version and Avoiding Duplications
Have you ever waited five or more minutes for 1Gb of NPM packages to download just to write three lines of code?
We have. It doesn’t scale.
We built a freemium serverless platform and we wanted to let our users use NPM. We wanted to allow them to use any NPM package, with zero cold start while keeping sane download and deployment times while minding our storage.
Now here’s the engineering challenge: The naive ‘npm install’ approach has several disadvantages. It’s slow, which prolongs deployment time. It keeps the same package over and over again for different users which increases storage usage. It would force us to either have a long cold start if we choose to copy the node_modules when the container starts, or keep dedicated user containers online, which costs a lot.
In this talk, Schachar Levin unveils the solution we implemented to face this challenge and support complex npm, Inc. dependencies trees allowing multiple versions support, deduplicating packages, minimizing storage and download time, while making node able to import packages in a new and efficient way:
[open source] Gitee, Interview with GitHub's CTO and Pro Gallery
China is building a GitHub alternative called Gitee. TechCrunch
GitHub CTO Jason Warner Got His First Job At IBM Because He Could Lift Heavy Things - Interview. Forbes
Need a gorgeous, fluid and responsive gallery for your React project? Look no further. Pro Gallery is rock solid, responsive and fully customizable. See it in action here and read the full story here
[podcast] Crisis Mode: Building a Nationwide App During a Global Pandemic
The global pandemic tore through every country on Earth and the world was devolving into panic. That’s when Yoav Abrahami received one of the most important assignments of his life: build an app that would service the entire nation of Israel through its pandemic response.
And he had just one week to finish the job.
Despite little time and a harsh deadline, a prototype was done in time. Listen to Yoav tell the story of how we pulled it off in our latest podcast episode:
[insights we liked] Software Rewrite Lessons, Winning Hackathons and Insights From 7 Self-taught Coders
Lessons from 6 software rewrite stories, by Herb Caudill
How to win your next Company Hackathon, by Dalia Simons
Demystifying Type Systems, by Ihor Morenets
Lessons from 7 self-taught coders who now work full time as software developers, by Jessica Chan
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