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Clean Tests

Noam Almog

TDD isn’t news, and most everyone agrees that writing tests (before, during, or after implementation) is valuable. Hardly anyone agrees on what good, clean tests look like, though; if your tests are a live specification of your codebase, don’t they deserve the same care and attention as your production code? This talk focuses on how to keep your tests readable, simple and maintainable. Specifically, we will discuss how the “given-when-then” pattern affects the way you factor your code, and showcase the remarkable differences between a sloppy specification and a well-factored one.


Noam is a backend engineer, and member of the backend engineering group in Wix. Noam is passionate about Clean Code and Software Craftsmanship and practices it on a daily basis. At Wix he designed, coded and deprecated many different projects and spends most of days coding while trying to keep up with as many exciting and emerging technologies.

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